Increase uptime & reduce TCO with battery analytics @SCALE
Fleet operations are a serious business - don’t let batteries complicate it for you. Battery analytics from TWAICE removes all additional operational friction and provides vital strategic foresight for electric fleets, eliminating your risks around reliability, warranty & safety – all while reducing TCO.

You wouldn't blindfold your drivers—don't blindfold yourself
Reaching an all-battery-powered future is top-of-mind for fleet operators today. Our analytics deliver operational and strategic excellence to get them. We will help you access with absolute precision—under any conditions—the status & capabilities of your batteries. Have full transparency about every battery every day.


When analytics @SCALE counts, think TWAICE
We centralize battery health monitoring in real-time, providing fleet operators a single source of truth for battery performance—reducing the overall EV Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) per vehicle by up to 35,000€. TWAICE customers benefit from operational excellence, optimized asset planning, and an extended battery life of up to an incredible 30%, translating into huge cost savings and profit. Whether there are hundreds or tens of thousands of EVs in your fleet, we will help you identify efficiencies that lower your costs and eliminate risks.
Operational Excellence
Eliminate any fear, uncertainty, or doubt by having a clear view of battery operational behavior per vehicle and at scale. Set optimal dispatch & charging strategies and reduce maintenance based on non-stop monitoring of battery field health and performance.
Features & insights
Safety alerts
Cost transparency
Residual value estimations
Easy SaaS implentation with any customer system
Real-time operational KPIs
Degradation insights
State of health determination & prediction
Optimized Asset & Warranty Management
Reduce your exposure to inflated warranty costs by centralizing your warranty contracts—reducing the time needed to search, assess, and process warranties.
Features & insights
Warranty status dashboard
Warranty contract database
Automated warranty reports
Critical condition alerting
Warranty impact prediction
Strategic Foresight
Have all your battery KPIs at a glance and comparable across vehicles of different providers to make the most informed purchasing & investment decisions.
Features & insights
State of Health (SoH)
Residual value
Aging & Lifetime
Electrical behavior
Thermal behavior
Monitor and predict battery behavior to run vehicles safely
Identify the best charging strategy under consideration of your operational constraints
Reduce energy costs with accurate route planning

Run your fleet for less—efficient operation strategies mean lower maintenance
Use less batteries to run your fleet
Hear what our partners say about us
"The battery health information provided by the TWAICE software is exactly what we want to offer our customers. TWAICE’s proven results in the field gave them the edge over alternatives.”

The TWAICE impact @SCALE
By removing operational friction, providing vital strategic foresight and streamlining admin processes, you will save up to 35,000€ per vehicle. Do the math to calculate your cost savings. Yes, that’s the power of our Fleet Solutions @SCALE. And, this is just the beginning of your savings and additional revenue potential.
Our industry-leading analytics is why fleet operators are thinking differently about batteries